Monday, October 19, 2009

Last weekend Amanda and I ventured to a wellness festival in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Some of you may ask "a wellness festival?" What the heck is that and are you sick.? The theme of the festival was Pursue Your Purpose. Wow, have I been thinking heavily about that lately. There is something else out there that I am supposed to do. I am just not sure what it is. I think I am waiting for it to fall out of the sky and hit me on the head.
I have always been attracted to self help books. I actually remember going to a day of motivational speakers when I was 9 months pregnant with Amanda. I went with my grandma. It was a long day because I am pretty sure I was the size of a beached whale. But memorable and motivating.
This festival was similar. Only two days long, not just one. There were at least 3 speakers at one time so you chose which one interested you the most. Amanda and I were side by side attending the same ones. We listened to speakers on decoding your life's purpose with your finger prints, Access the Intuitive Wisdom of Your Body and many more. Gary Zukav, author of The Seat of the Soul and Linda Francis were keynote speakers on Sunday afternoon. I received a lot of insight into myself at this one. Things like I have a difficult time articulating my feelings. That we all have frightened parts of our personality that like to emerge, but we may not recognize them and what those frightened parts do to us and our ability to communicate. We came home with a lot of reading material. I am excited to get to them all. We made a pact that we would read the books together so we have someone to share our thoughts with about the material in the books.
My mom was supposed to go with us on this adventure but something personal kept her from attending. Amanda and I had a good time just hanging together, eating some good food, sleeping on incredibly HARD beds, and learning some new things about ourselves. We encountered snow and it was cold so we didn't do a lot of sight seeing or roaming the shops in Jackson. I hope to make this an annual event.